Monday 8 October 2012

The Service Quality of E-Learning: A Focus on Mode of Delivery

For this entry, I would like to share with you guys the topics that I have chosen and completed for my Final Year Research Report. For your info, Alhamdulillah, eventually I have completed my Degree in BSc (Hons.) Business Computing, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in May 2009. Wow, time is too fast, now we are approaching end of 2012!!!

I would like take this opportunity to say a million thanks to my supervisor Associate Professor Yap May Lin (Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, UiTM) for her guidance, support, encouragement and constructive criticism that I have been received for the preparation of this thesis.  Well, she had encouraged and motivates me with her advice and opinion to ensure I will complete the project successfully. I also like to express my deepest gratitude to  Dr. Fariza Hanis Abdul Razak, Puan Fauziah Redzuan, Puan Mardziah bt Hashim , Associate Professor Halilah and Dr. Emma Nuraihan Mior Ibrahim for all their advices in writing the report and help me much in getting the right finding analysis. Again, not to forget , I also want to thank my beloved family members who support me to go through that difficult time in order to complete the thesis. Last but not least, to all my friends, a million of thanks to them who never stop supports helps and motivate me. All these people are my inspirations in completing my final project.

Ok,back to the Research Report. Actually the title of my research is:  The Service Quality of E-Learning: A Focus on Mode of Delivery.

Generally, there are two research objectives that need to be achieved for this particular study. These research objectives are:
i) To identify the mode of delivery used in the e-learning programs.
ii) To determine the service quality on the mode of delivery for e-learning.


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